ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB Fluorescent Bulb 90cm

Item #: UVB006


  • The #1 Fluorescent UVB Reptile Lamp Worldwide!
  • Wattage: 30W
  • Length: 90cm
  • Dimension: T8


The award-winning, industry standard UVB lamp for reptiles. A full 5% UVB output allows vitamin D3 synthesis to occur naturally, preventing or reversing Metabolic Bone Disease and other health problems in Turtles and Tortoises, Bearded Dragons, Iguanas, and all other diurnal reptiles. The ReptiSun® 5.0 is effective for UVB induced photo conversion of vitamin D3 in reptile’s skin at distances up to 12″. Accept no substitutes; get the original reptile UVB lamp – Zoo Med’s ReptiSun® 5.0!

High Quality bulbs made in Germany.

“Recently, the zoo’s reptile keepers ran some tests in order to measure the UVB output of fluorescent lamps (bulbs) used in some of the exhibits and holding cages… Using a UVB meter, the staff found that the Zoo Med ReptiSun® 10.0 High Output UVB Lamp provided high levels of UVB, with the Zoo Med ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB Lamp being valuable in some situations as well.
The Staten Island Zoo currently uses the Zoo Med 10.0 High Output UVB Lamp with a number of lizards, including such sensitive species as the Crevice Spiny Swift (Sceloporus poinsetti) and the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum).”

– Frank Indiviglio

Additional Information:

Reptile Lamp Chart
UVB Lamp to Animal Distance Chart
Reptiles and UVB Report

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