JurassiCal Liquid 250ml

Item #: S-44-JUR-CAL-LIQ-250


  • 250ml
  • Concentrated (160,000 ppm)
  • Easy and convenient liquid spray
  • Phosphorus and Vitamin D3 free
  • Helps maintain proper Ca:P ratio


JurassiCal™ Liquid is a concentrated (160,000 ppm) phosphorus free source of calcium for reptiles and amphibians. Herbivorous and carnivorous diets are frequently calcium deficient and phosphorus rich. Thus, it is of no benefit to use a calcium supplement containing phosphorus. Ideally the dietary calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) ratio should be no less than 1.2:1 and is ideally maintained from 2:1 up to 8:1 (depending on the species)*. Lack of calcium in the diet can lead to metabolic bone disease and shell deformities and soft shells in turtles and tortoises.

Many commonly fed fruits and vegetables lack adequate amounts of calcium. Likewise, in most invertebrate species, calcium is inadequate (less than 0.5 mg/kcal). In most cases, invertebrate prey will require calcium supplementation. In addition, vertebrate prey often falls short of the recommended 2 : 1 ratio. In such cases, calcium supplementation should be considered.


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