Ball Python Morphs: ALS – Acts Like Super
By Warwick Von Hagen Those of you who have recently discovered the fast growing world of Ball Pythons, have probably come across the concept of
By Warwick Von Hagen Those of you who have recently discovered the fast growing world of Ball Pythons, have probably come across the concept of
By Rio Reptiles Two very essential necessities that play an important role in a Bearded Dragon’s environment are lighting and temperatures. It is also not
Article By: DT Dennison, Master of Philosophy (Animal Production Systems) Uni. Stellenbosch Every reptile owner wants to provide their animals with the best-quality nutrition they
There are many care sheets out there for Bullsnakes. Most of them are pretty similar and have only minor differences. Please take this and any
How to Take Care of a Leopard Gecko That Won’t Eat Leopard geckos can make great pets and many people enjoying keeping them. However, there
By AME Exotics How to Know When Your Animals Are Ready To Safely Breed There is no cookie cutter layout on what size the animals
Natural History Brazilian Rainbow Boas are, by some, considered the most beautiful snake in the world. Although opinions will vary, this species is in fact
Out of all the different species of snakes we keep at Ultimate Exotics, House Snakes are one of our favorite species of snakes that we
A horrible looking, bad smelling half-digested rodent in your snake’s enclosure can be a distressing thing to see and even more distressing is when you
The East Indian Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis hardwickii), also known commonly as Hardwicke’s gecko, is a species of gecko in the family Eublepharidae. This species is
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