
Category: Lizards


African Fat-tails. Questions & Answers

Question: I have recently purchased an African Fat-tailed Gecko and was told to keep it the same way as you would keep a Leopard Gecko.


The Plumed Basilisk

The Plumed Basilisks are beautiful, elegant and enjoyable lizards to keep in captivity. There are four species of Basilisks, the Green or Plumed Basilisk (Basiliscus


Breeding Bearded Dragons

  The Bearded Dragon is by far the most common pet lizard in captivity today. There are many reasons for their popularity as pets. They


African Fire Skinks (Lepidothyris fernandi)

Fire skinks are an intelligent, clever animal whose personalities vary from skink to skink. These skinks are a brightly coloured reptile with a bronze back,


The Care and Breeding of Day Geckos

For those of us hobbyists who are passionate about geckos, and especially those of us that enjoy creating natural displays and beautiful viviariums, there are


Cat Geckos, Aeluroscalabotes felinus

A truly unusual gecko in appearance and character, the rare Cat Gecko is still new to the gecko-breeding world. Straight away people are curious when

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